Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1821

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3937.—TO TRUSS A FOWL FOR BOILING. (Trussing Illustration No. 4.)

It is generally found more difficult for a beginner to truss a fowl for boiling than for roasting, for in loosening the skin and drawing it over the bone it is very easy to tear it.

Loosen the skin of the leg by placing the two first fingers of the hand inside the body, and working round the leg as shown (Fig. 1). Make a cut in the drumstick of the fowl, about half an inch from the hock (Fig. 2), to prevent the bone from breaking under the next operation. Turn the shank inward on to the back of the fowl (Fig. 3), and draw the skin of the leg over the hock, tucking the joint into the body (as in Fig. 4). Next cut off the shank about half an inch above the foot, i.e., cutting off all the leg and foot that shows in Fig. 4. Sew with needle and string as for roasted fowl (see Fig. 5).

3938.—TO TRUSS A TURKEY. (Trussing Illustration No. 5.)

Turkeys are plucked and signed in exactly the same manner as fowls, but before trussing draw the sinews. To do this, break the leg bones close to the feet, run them on a hook placed in the wall (above you, so that weight as well as strength can be brought to bear), and draw out the sinews as shown in Fig. 1. This is sometimes rather a hard task, but it must be done or the legs will be uneatable. Next cut off the neck close to the back as directed in Recipe No. 3935, leaving enough skin to turn over it, and loosen the liver and the rest of the inside at the throat end. Cut off the vent, takeout the gut and draw the bird with a hook sold for this purpose. Take great care not to break the gut joining the gizzard, for fear of grit, or the gall bladder, which, if broken, would make the flesh bitter.

Next dry the inside thoroughly. Cut the breastbone through at each side close to the back, beat it flat with a wooden rolling-pin, then place the pinions as shown in illustration, and skewer (Figs. 2 and 3).

Press the legs close to the body and skewer at first and second joints, and the turkey will now be ready for stuffing.

Having filled the bird with the forcemeat (the fuller the better and neater it will look), skewer over the flap of skin, also that at the neck.

Turn the bird back uppermost and put a string across and across as shown, except in the case of a very small turkey, when it will not be required.

As with a fowl, a boned turkey has sometimes the legs put inside, so that less stuffing is needed; and the aim is not to preserve its form but to make it present a broad smooth surface that is easy to carve.