Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1845

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Callipee. The glutinous meat found in the under part of a turtle's undershell.

Canapés. Small shapes of fried or toasted bread upon which savouries, etc., are served. The word means "sofa."

Canard rôti (Fr.). Roast duck (Eng.).

Canard sauvage (Fr.). Wild duck (Eng.).

Caneton rôti (Fr.). Roast duckling (Eng.).

Cannelons (Fr.) or Canelons. Small rolls of pastry or rice stuffed with minced meat, jam, cream, etc.

Capilotade (Fr.). A kind of hashed game or chicken.

Capon (Eng.). Chapon (Fr.). A castrated male chicken or fowl.

Caramel (Fr.). A substance made by boiling sugar to a dark brown, used for coating moulds and for liquid colouring.

Carcasse (Fr.). Carcass (Eng.). The body of an animal; the bones of poultry or game.

Carde à la moelle (Fr.). Pieces of marrow braised with bacon. Served with Gardes Purée.

Cardon (Fr.). Cardoon (Eng.). A vegetable of the celery tribe.

Carmin or Carmine. Crimson colouring used in confectionery, etc.

Carpentras (à la) (Fr.). A surname for dishes flavoured or garnished with truffles. Carpentras, like Périgord, is a district where truffles of excellent flavour and size grow largely.

Carte du Jour (la) (Fr.). The bill of fare for the day, showing the price of each dish.

Casserole (Fr.). A copper stewpan. When used in menus it indicates the case of rice, baked paste crust or macaroni, filled with minced meat, game purée, etc.

Caviar (Fr.). Caviare (Eng.). The salted roe of the sturgeon or sterlet fish.

Célestine. A monk so named after Pope Célestin. A garnish for clear soup, consisting of fine strips of fried pancakes. À la Celestine (Fr.), from the Latin coelestis (heavenly). Several dishes are so named.

Charcuterie (Fr.). "Roughly slashed"; in a culinary sense the word denotes "pretty tiny kickshaws" of pork, which are prepared in many different fashions. Black pudding, pig's feet truffled, smoked pig's ear with truffles, Nancy chitterlings, saveloy, pig's liver, are all items of charcuterie.

Charlotte (Fr.). A corruption of the old English word Charlyt, "a dish of custard." Charlotte russe and apple charlotte consist usually of thin slices of bread or biscuits, steeped in clarified butter or sugar, arranged in plain moulds in a symmetrical order, and afterwards garnished with cream, fruit, or preserve.

Chartreuse. Originally a preparation consisting of vegetables only, arranged in a plain mould. Now the term is applied to fruit set in jelly, and moulded game, poultry, etc.

Chateaubriand. Name of Viscount Francois Auguste, a great French gourmand, 1769-1848. A favourite dish of fillet steak is called after him.

Chaudfroid (Fr.). A cold entrée; a sauce used for masking cold fish, game, poultry, etc.

Chaussons (Fr.). A kind of French round pie filled with jam.

Chevreuse (Fr.). Small goose liver tartlets.

Chinois (Fr.). A pointed strainer with very fine holes, used for straining soups, sauces, and gravies. A Chinese fruit.

Chipolata (It.). Small Italian sausages. It takes its origin from an Italian ragoût. This name is also given to dishes which contain an addition of Italian sausages, or a kind of mixed minced meat with which they are served.

Choucroute (Fr.). Sauerkraut (Ger.). A kind of pickled cabbage; the national dish of Germany.