Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1847

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Court-Bouillon (Fr.). Name given to a broth in which fish has been boiled; a highly seasoned fish stock and stew.

Crapaudine (Fr.). A grating gridiron; hence "mettre à la crapaudine," to grill, e.g. pigeons. Gridiron. Meaning browned or grilled over, or in front of a fire.

Craquelins (Fr.). Cracknels (Eng.). Milk biscuits.

Crécy, Potage à la (Fr.). Crécy or carrot soup (Eng.). A vegetable purée said to have been invented by Baron Brisse. Dishes named "à la Crécy" are generally connected with carrots in the form of a purée.

Crêpes (Fr.). French pancakes (Eng.).

Crêtes (Fr.). Giblets of poultry or game.

Croquantes (Fr.). A transparent mixture of various kinds of fruit and boiled sugar.

Croquants. Confections giving the sound of crunching or cracking between the teeth.

Croque en Bouche (Fr.). Large set pieces for suppers or dinners, such as nougat, iced cakes, fruits, covered with boiled sugar to give them a brilliant appearance. The real meaning of the word is "crackle in the mouth."

Croquettes (Fr.). Savoury mince of fowl, meat or fish, prepared with sauce to bind, variously shaped; generally egged, crumbed, and fried crisp.

Croustades (Fr.). Shapes of fried bread, rice or pastry, in which various mixtures are served.

Croûtes. Blocks or shapes of fried bread, used as a basis for dressing salmis, whole birds, etc.

Croûte-au-pot. Clear soup garnished with small crisply-baked slices of bread.

Croutons (Fr.). Sippets of fried or toasted bread cut into dice shapes and fried, used for garnishing dishes.

Cuillères de cuisine (Fr.) are wooden spoons. The use of wooden spoons is strongly recommended instead of metal spoons, especially for stirring sauces. The latter often contain acids which produce a black colour.

Cuisine (Fr.). Kitchen, cookery. Faire la cuisine, to cook or to dress victuals.

Cuissot. The haunch. Cuissot de veau, cuissot de cochon, cuissot de boeuf. etc.

Culinaire (Fr.). This term is applied to anything connected with the kitchen or the art of cooking. A good cook is called "un artiste culinaire."

Culotte. Aitchbone of beef.

Curaçao (Fr.). A liqueur prepared from the yellow part of the rind of a peculiar kind of bitter orange grown in the island of Curaçao, S. America, whence its name. Used for flavouring creams, jellies, ices, etc.

Dampfnudeln (Ger.) (literally steam-nudels). Ribbon macaroni steamed. A sweet dish popular in Germany.

Dariole (Fr.). A kind of small entrée pâté, composed of a compound of forcemeat or mince, baked or steamed in small moulds. Certain small tarts are called by this name. The name usually applies to the shape of the moulds. Also some kinds of cheese-cakes are called darioles. Kettner asserts that a dariole means something made of milk. Origin of the word unknown.

Darne (Fr.). The middle cut of large fish, salmon or cod.

D'Artois (Fr.). A kind of French pastry (puff paste and jam).

Daub or Daube (Fr.). Meats or poultry stewed, larded.

Daubière (Fr.). An oval-shaped stewpan, in which meats or birds are to be daubed or stewed.

Dauphine (Fr.). A style of garnish; also name of a kind of dough-nuts,