Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2077

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Tired Eyes.—Aching of the eyes shows overstrain of the ocular muscles, and is frequently accompanied by the most persistent and intractable form of headache. Some slight defect in the vision will be discovered, correction of which by suitable glasses will relieve the symptoms.

Toothache.—Poppyhead fomentations should be applied to the face, externally. A small pledget of cotton wool, soaked in oil of cloves, placed in the cavity of an aching tooth will give speedy relief.

Varicose Veins are prominent, thickened and tortuous veins in the leg and thigh. The inner part of the leg, just above the ankle is often blue and congested, and here ulceration of a very obstinate and painful kind may form, due to deficient circulation through the veins. A vein may get so distended that it may burst through the skin, in which case dangerous bleeding may result. (See "What to do in Case of Accidents.")

Treatment.—To prevent the veins getting worse, and to relieve the aching, elastic stockings or bandages should be worn. In bad cases the veins must be removed by operation.

Warts.—Apply concentrated acetic acid daily, when they will soon wither away. Collodion corn paint will also often cure them. A sulphur lozenge taken 3 times a day is also useful.

Whitlow is an inflammation at the top of the finger, usually involving the nail. (It may be due to a poisoned finger or to an unhealthy, poor state of the blood.) It is characterized by throbbing pain in the finger, often extending up the arm. The finger end is swollen, red, shiny, and very tender to the touch. If it progress, matter is formed, and no relief is obtained till the matter is evacuated either by a small incision or by waiting till the abscess bursts, a much more tedious proceeding.

Treatment.—Bathe the finger in a bath of hot antiseptic for half an hour 2 to 3 times daily. (Carbolic acid, 1 teaspoonful to the pint of water. Sanitas, 1 teaspoonful to the pint of water.) A hot antiseptic fomentation should be kept on the finger, and the hand supported in a sling. After the pus has been let out the same treatment is pursued till all matter ceases to come away, when the finger may be dressed dry and allowed to heal up.


Apoplexy.Treatment.—When a person is in an apoplectic fit prevent all unnecessary movement; raise the head and remove everything tight from the neck, then apply ice or cold water cloths to the head, and put the feet in hot mustard and water. The bowels should be freely opened by the administration of calomel.

Burns and Scalds.Treatment.—When any part has been scalded, immediately immerse it in cold water or pour cold water over it; or dust bicarbonate of soda over it, and then apply a wet cloth. When blisters have formed, prick them with a needle or pair of scissors, and press the