Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2082

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ally bright scarlet in colour and frothy in appearance, owing to the admixture of air; that from the stomach is dark in colour and is not frothy.

Treatment.—Keep the apartment cool, and the patient quiet and in the recumbent posture. Ice may be sucked, or a little cold water taken when ice cannot be had. 5 to 10 grains of gallic acid with 5 to 10 drops of tincture of opium, and 10 or 15 drops of aromatic sulphuric acid, may be given in a little water every 3 or 4 hours.

Hysteria.—This may manifest itself by intense sobbing or immoderate laughter, or by alternations of both. There is frequently wild tossing of the arms, the hair is dishevelled, the face is generally pale, and complaint is made of a suffocating feeling in the throat.

Treatment.—The patient must be spoken to kindly, yet firmly, and be told to stop any eccentricities. Loosen the dress and remove anything tight from the neck. Give 1 teaspoonful of spirit of sal-volatile in water. If no heed is paid to what is said, dash cold water upon the face. Change of scene, cheerful society, physical exercise, and the cultivation of mental control are the best means of overcoming hysterical tendencies, especially the two latter means.

Intoxication.Treatment.— When loss of consciousness has occurred from this cause, give an emetic of mustard and water (1 tablespoonful in tepid water), or 20 grains of sulphate of zinc or powdered ipecacuanha. The emetic should be followed by 2 or 3 draughts of warm water. Remove to a warm atmosphere, and give strong tea or coffee after the emetic has taken effect.

Poisons.Treatment.—Many of these give rise to vomiting, and are thus got rid of. In such cases the vomiting should be encouraged by tickling the back of the throat with a finger or feather or by giving draughts of tepid water. If it is at hand, a stomach-syphon, which is much more convenient to use than the stomach-pump, should be employed to withdraw the poison. Care must be taken to pass the tube along the back of the throat, as otherwise harm may result. If the poison has not given rise to vomiting, a handful of salt in lukewarm water may be given and draughts of tepid water afterwards. Mustard and water is a good emetic when the poison taken is not irritant in character. 20 grains of powdered ipecacuanha in water, or the same quantity of sulphate of zinc in water, may be used in the same way.

General Directions.—When an alkali (see below) is the poison, give drinks of weak vinegar or lemonade. When an acid, chalk and water, whiting plaster from the walls, or white of egg; if a narcotic, give strong coffee, and do everything to keep the patient awake, walking him about, opening the windows wide, applying cold water to his face, and so on.

Particular Poisons.Aconite, Monkshood, or Blue Rocket. Treatment.—Give 1 tablespoonful of mustard in water or 20 grains of sulphate of zinc in water: then a dose of castor-oil. Hot bottles should be applied to the feet, and a teaspoonful of spirit of sal-volatile in water, or a cup of strong coffee given.