Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2095

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In some of the rooms of a suburban hospital looking-glasses are so fixed that patients in upper rooms have a view of the lovely garden, and can, without moving and without any glare, lie and watch the waving trees and flowers below. In cases of long illness, this might give great pleasure to sufferers incapable of being moved.

Recipes for the Sick-Nurse


Although medicine is given by medical advice, and at the time the doctor orders it, as a rule, it sometimes happens that a bottle sent has only indefinite directions, such as "A dessertspoonful twice daily," or " A wineglassful every 4 hours"; and when the nurse is an amateur the best times to administer may not be known. Medicine which has to be taken at intervals during the day should be given first at ten o'clock in the morning; if only once during the day, then at nine in the morning or at bedtime; if twice, at ten and four.

It is always safest to have a medicine-glass marked with the different measures, for the size of the spoons may considerably vary in different households; and it cannot be too firmly impressed upon the nurse, whether professional or amateur, that regularity and exactitude in the administration of medicine are absolutely essential, the only deviation from the time fixed for it being made when the patient happens to be asleep at the specified hour.

In administering castor-oil it is best to wet the glass thoroughly first with water or lemon- juice, since this prevents the oil sticking to the sides of the glass and the patient's lips. A little brandy is often poured on the surface of the oil.


Place the quantity of bran required, according to the size of the poultice, upon the top of boiling water, and when the heat has penetrated the bran, stir it gently in. Pour off the superfluous water, spread the bran thickly on a piece of clean old linen or calico, and apply the poultice as hot as it can be borne. A layer of fine muslin should intervene between it and the skin. The poultice must not be in a sloppy state.


Boil about ¼ of a pint of water in a small, clean, lined saucepan. Into this put 2 ozs. of stale bread without crust, and let it soak for a few minutes. Pour off, and lightly press out the superfluous, water,