Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2103

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Domestic Medicines
And the Illnesses and Complaints they should be used for

All drugs should be kept in bottles under lock and key, and should be properly stoppered and carefully labelled.

Alum (Dried).—This substance may be used with advantage in case of bleeding piles, leech bites or slight cuts. It should be freely dusted over the part after wiping it dry.

Arnica.—This is a useful application in sprains and bruises. The tincture should be freely brushed over the part 3 or 4 times a day by means of a camel-hair brush.

Borax.—This substance, either dissolved in water or mixed with glycerine or honey, is used in the treatment of the white mouth of infants (thrush), or the small ulcers that are often met with on the mucous surfaces of the lips and gums. It should be freely applied to ulcers with a feather or small brush. For thrush, dip a clean soft linen rag in it, and wipe the mouth out.

Camphorated Oil.—This is a useful application in chest colds, and chronic rheumatism in joints, or old sprains. It should be warmed at the fire or by placing the bottle in hot water, and then rubbed into the part with the hand for 15 to 20 minutes by the clock.

Castor-Oil.—This is a gentle but efficient purgative. Dose: 1 teaspoonful to children, 1 tablespoonful to adults. It is useful in cases of obstinate constipation, or where an indigestible article of diet is giving rise to griping pain.

Dill Water.—This is frequently given to children during teething, when they appear to suffer from flatulence, or are griped and uncomfortable. Dose: 1 teaspoonful to a child 1 year old.

Epsom Salts.—The dose for an adult is up to half an ounce. They should be taken the first thing in the morning with a warm drink afterwards. Epsom salts are useful in cases of lead-poisoning, or where it is desirable to increase the flow of bile, but are too violent in their action for habitual use in chronic constipation.

Ergot.—In the form of the liquid extract, this drug is useful in an eminent degree in cases of blood-spitting or flooding after confinement. For the former, it may be given in doses of 15 drops every 3 hours; for the latter, 1 teaspoonful, to be repeated in a quarter of an hour if necessary.

Gallic Acid.—This is useful in cases of spitting or vomiting of blood. Dose: 10 grains, with 15 drops of dilute aromatic sulphuric acid in water, for the blood-spitting, and alone in milk or water for vomiting of blood, every 3 or 4 hours.