Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2129

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body, and gradually reach the lower extremities. When the eruption has disappeared the part of the skin affected is covered with a dry scurf.

Complications are liable to occur. Convulsions at the commencement are usually without danger; if they come on at the end of the disease they may lead to a fatal issue. Inflammation of the lungs and bronchitis, which may prove fatal to young children, may ensue if the patient is allowed to take a chill. The eruptions turning of a dark purple colour is a symptom of danger.

Treatment.—The child must be kept in bed. The room should be airy and well ventilated, but the patient must not be exposed to draughts. All discharges should be removed at once, and dirty linen taken away and disinfected. A fire should be kept burning, and the temperature of the room maintained about 60° or 65° F. The blinds should be kept down on account of the patient's eyes, and the bed should be turned so that he lies with his back to the light. In all cases it is advisable to give the patient a hot bath at the very onset of the disease; then dry the surface of the body, and put to bed directly. All sources of annoyance and irritation and all noises should be avoided. The food should be of the simplest nature: milk, milk and water, chicken broth, beef-tea, and toast and water. When the fever subsides a small piece of chicken or fried sole may be eaten, with toast or bread and butter; a fresh egg may also be given. As the tongue cleans and the appetite returns, the patient may be allowed to resume his ordinary diet. Although children generally recover rapidly, yet there are times when much debility ensues, and the general health becomes impaired, although the fever has quite left. Children who are in bad health are liable to lumps or glandular swellings of the neck and under the jaws, or they may remain weak for a long time. In these cases chemical food may be used with advantage; Parrish's Syrup is another name for this. It may be given in doses of 5 to 10 drops 3 times a day in a little water, to children 2 or 3 years old. Fellow's Syrup of the Hypophosphites is a very useful preparation in such cases, and may be given in doses of 5 drops largely diluted with water, 3 times a day, immediately after food. The following mixture is useful: steel drops, 1 drachm; solution of chloride of calcium, 3 drachms; glycerine, half an ounce; add water to 4 ounces. 1 teaspoonful for a child from 3 to 5 years old in water 3 times a day. A visit to the seaside is very beneficial.

Mumps is a very infectious febrile disease, accompanied by swelling of the parotid salivary gland in front of and beneath the ears. The patient complains of slight malaise for a day or two, and then the swelling appears, at first on one side, generally commencing beneath the ear, and coming forwards on to the cheek, followed in a day or so by a similar swelling on the other side of the face. Sometimes both the swellings appear simultaneously; sometimes only one side is affected. The swelling is usually painful, especially during deglutition.