Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/319

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Ingredients.—1 gill of mayonnaise sauce, No. 201, ½ a gill of aspic jelly, (see jellies), ½ a gill of cream, 1 tablespoonful of tarragon vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of anchovy-essence, 1 dessertspoonful of chopped gherkins, 1 dessertspoonful of chopped chutney, ½ a cucumber, salt, pepper, sugar.

Method.—Peel the cucumber thinly, cut it into small pieces, and cook till tender in salted water. Drain off the water, and rub the cucumber through a fine sieve. Carefully mix the mayonnaise with the cream, anchovy-essence, gherkins, and chutney. Mix the cucumber purée with the vinegar and the aspic, which should be dissolved but almost cold. Blend both mixtures together. Season with salt, pepper, and a little castor sugar, and serve with fish, cold meat, or vegetables such as asparagus, green artichokes, etc. This also makes a nice dressing for fish salads.

Time.—40 minutes. Cost, about 1s.

372.—FISH SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce Poisson.)

Ingredients.—1 quart of malt vinegar, 2 tablespoonfuls of walnut ketchup, 2 tablespoonfuls of soy, 1 oz. of cayenne, 1 clove of garlic, 2 shallots sliced.

Method.—Put all the ingredients into a large bottle, and shake them daily for a fortnight. When ready, strain into small bottles, cork securely, and store for use.

Time.—14 days. Average Cost, 10d. to 1s.


Ingredients. 1 quart of malt vinegar, ¼ of a pint of Indian soy, ¼ of a pint of mushroom or walnut vinegar, 6 anchovies finely-chopped, 1 clove of garlic bruised, ¼ of an oz. of cayenne.

Method.—Put all the ingredients into an earthenware jar, cover closely, let the mixture remain for 1 month, stirring it 2 or 3 times daily. When ready, strain into small bottles, cork securely, and store or use.

Time.—1 month. Average Cost, 1s. 6d.


Ingredients.—1 stick of horseradish finely scraped, 2 shallots shredded, 2 or 3 sprigs each of marjoram, thyme, basil, and tarragon, 4 cloves, 1 teaspoonful of caramel browning, No. 155, 1 tablespoonful of lemon-juice, 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, 1 pint of water.

Method.—Simmer all these ingredients together for ½ an hour, and