Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/393

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Ingredients.—6 herrings, 2 tablespoonfuls of breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoonful of finely-chopped suet, 1 teaspoonful of chopped parsley, ¼ of a teaspoonful of grated lemon-rind, salt and pepper, milk.

Method.—Wash and split the herrings and remove the backbone. Mix the above ingredients to make a forcemeat; season each herring with salt and pepper, spread on a thin layer of the forcemeat and roll up tightly, beginning with the neck. Pack closely in a greased pie-dish, cover with greased paper, and bake from 1 to 1¼ hours in a moderate oven. Serve hot.

Time.—1½ to 1¾ hours. Average Cost, 5d. to 6d. Sufficient for 5 persons. Seasonable, May to November.

The Herring (Fr. hareng) is widely distributed in the North Atlantic. During the greater part of the year this fish inhabits deep water, but in the summer and autumn it frequents in vast shoals the warmer waters of the coasts of Scotland and the eastern coasts of England for the purpose of spawning. The herring is one of the most prolific of fish, and notwithstanding the devastation caused to the shoals by the dog-fish, hake and gulls, and by the vast quantities of herring captured, the fecundity of this fish is such that no sensible decrease of its number is apparent. The herring fishery, especially that of the Scotch coasts and the eastern coasts of England, constitutes a most important industry. The flavour of the flesh of the herring varies in quality according to the different localities; those caught in the neighbourhood of Loch Fyne, on the west coast of Scotland, having the highest reputation for delicacy of flavour.


Method.—The best way to cook these is to make incisions in the skin across the fish, because they do not then require to be so long on the fire, and will be far better than when cut open. Place them on a buttered gridiron, broil over or before a clear fire for 5 minutes turning frequently. The hard roe makes a nice relish if pounded in a mortar, with a little anchovy, and spread on toast. If very dry, soak the bloaters in warm water 1 hour before dressing.

Time.—5 minutes. Average Cost, 1½d. each. Seasonable, May to November.


Ingredients.—1 dozen large herrings, 1 pint of white vinegar, pepper and salt, 2 bay-leaves, clarified butter.

Method.—Remove the heads and tails from the herrings, wash, clean, and dry them, and sprinkle them inside and out with salt and pepper. Put the herrings in an earthenware dish, lay the roes beside them, and cover them with good white vinegar. Bake for 2 hours in a moderate oven, then take out the bones, strain off the vinegar, pound the flesh in a mortar, rub through a fine sieve, press into small pots, and pour clarified butter on the top.

Time.—2 hours. Average Cost, 6d. to 9d. per dozen. Sufficient for 4 pots. Seasonable from May to November.