Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/861

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fat bacon, and tie it down with siring in 3 or 4 places. Roast the hare in front of a clear fire or in a moderate oven from 1½ to 2 hours, basting it very frequently with milk, to which may be added, when economy is not an object, 1 or 2 ozs. of butter. Meanwhile, remove the gallbladder carefully from the liver, put the liver into cold water, bring to the boil, cook for 5 minutes, then drain and chop finely. Melt the butter in a small stewpan, add the liver, onion, parsley and thyme, fry for 10 minutes, then drain, and return the butter to the stewpan. If available, pound the liver, etc., in a mortar until smooth, and rub through a fine wire sieve. Re-heat the butter, stir in the flour, and cook over the fire until a nut-brown roux is obtained, then add the stock (if none is at hand substitute the milk used for basting), stir until it boils, then add the liver preparation, season to taste, for 10 minutes, and just before serving put in the wine. When the hare is rather more than three parts cooked remove the bacon, to allow the back to brown, dredging slightly with flour, and basting frequently with butter during the process. Remove the trussing strings, dish up on a hot dish, and serve with the liver sauce and red currant jelly separately.

Time.—To roast, from 1½ to 2 hours. Average Cost, 6s. to 6s. 6d. Seasonable from September to March.

1351.—HARE, ROAST BARON OF. (Fr.Baron de Lièvre Rôti.)

Ingredients.—1 hare, larding bacon, veal forcemeat (see Forcemeats), ¾ of a pint of brown sauce (see Sauces, No. 233) 1 glass of port, red currant jelly, butter or fat for basting.

Method.—This dish will be found most useful for a small dinner. The body, cut close to the shoulder-blades, alone is used, but the legs, neck and head can be converted into soup, potted, or made into a civet of hare. Parboil the liver, chop it finely, add it to the veal forcemeat, then stuff the body of the hare and sew it up with strong cotton. Carefully remove the skin from the back, and lard it, i.e., insert fine strips of larding bacon. Wrap the hare in 2 or 3 folds of well-greased paper, secure it with string, and roast in front of a clear fire or in a moderate oven from 40 to 50 minutes, basting frequently with hot butter or dripping. When the cooking is nearly completed remove the paper to allow the lardoons to crisp. Make the sauce as directed, add the wine, season to taste, and serve in a sauce-boat.

Time.—To cook, 40 to 50 minutes. Average Cost, 6s. to 6s. 6d., including the whole hare. Seasonable from September to the end of March.

1352.—HARE SOUP. (Fr.Potage de Lièvre.)

See page 166, Soup Section, Recipe No. 69.