Page:Mun - England's treasure by forraign trade.djvu/21

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OR, The Ballance of our Forraign Trade is the Rule of our Treafure.

v—8Y Son, In a former Difcourfe I have . a endeavoured after my manner brief- » ly to teach thee two things: The

  • firft is Piety, bow to fear God

ey ee... fo bis Works and Word: The fecond is Policy, how to love and ferve thy Country, by inftructing thee in the duties and proceedings of fundry Vocations, which - either order, or elfe act the affairs of the Com- mon-wealth; In which, as fome things doe efpecially tend to Preferve , and others are more apt to Enlarge the fame : So am I now to fpeak of Money, which doth indifferently ferve to both thofe happy ends. Wherein I will obferve this order, Firft, to fhew the general means ‘ whereby a Kingdome may be enriched; and then proceed to thofe particular courfes by which Princes are accuftomed to be fupplyed with Treafure. But firfl of all I will fay fomething of the Merchant, becaufe be muft be a Principal Agent in this great bufinefs .