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short time they were both frisky, it got slightly into my head; then the girls began quarrelling again, and let out all about each other, the elder’s object being to upset the younger one’s virtue and make her lewed. I began to get awfully randy, and told Sarah I had felt her sister’s cunt whilst she had been out. She laughed and said, “All right, she will have it well felt some day, she’s a fool if she don’t.” We joked about my disappointment in the morning, I asked Sarah to give me my pleasure then. “Aye”, said she, “and it is pleasure, when Martha has once tasted it, she will like it again.” Martha very much fudled, laughed aloud saying, “How you two do go on.” Then I put my hands up Sarah’s clothes. “Lord how stiff my prick is, look", and I pulled it out, Martha saying, “I won’t stand this”, rushed from the room. I thought she had gone, and wanted to have Sarah; but she thought of the two pounds, and shutting Martha’s mouth, “Try her”, said she, “she must have it some day, she’ll come in soon.” When the girl did, we went on drinking. What with mixing gin, peppermint and rum shrub, both got groggy, and Martha the worst. Then out went Sarah saying she must go to the village to buy something, and she winked at me.

She had whilst the girl was outside told me to bolt the front door, and if by any chance her father came home, which was not likely; to get out of the bed-room window,and through a hedge, which would put me out of sight in a minute. Directly she was gone I bolted the door and commenced the assault. Martha was so fuddled, that she could not much resist my feeling her bum and thighs, yet I could not get her to go and lie
