Page:My Double Life — Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt.djvu/11

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I. Childhood 1
II. At Boarding School 6
III. Convent Life 16
IV. My Début 27
V. The Soldier's Shako 33
VI. The Family Council and my First Visit to a Theatre 46
VII. My Career ― First Lessons 59
VIII. The Conservatoire 64
IX. A Marriage Proposal and Examinations ― The Conservatoire 73
X. My First Engagement 88
XI. My Début at the House of Molière, and my First Departure Therefrom 98
XII. At the Gymnase Theatre ― a Trip to Spain 107
XIII. From the Porte St. Martin Theatre to the Odéan 118
XIV. "Le Passant" ― At the Tuilaries ― Fire in my Flat 135
XV. The Franco-Prussian War 151
XVI. Sarah Bernhardt's Ambulance at the Odéon Theatre 160
XVII. Paris Bombarded 172
XVIII. A Bold Journey Through the German Lines 189
XIX. My Return to Paris ― The Commune ― At St. Germain-en-Laye 216
XX. Victor Hugo 226
XXI. A Memorable Supper 231
XXII. At the Comédie Français again ― Sculpture 244
XXIII. A Descent into the Enfer du Plogoff ― My First Appearance as Phédre ― The Decoration of my New Mansion 259