Page:My Friend Annabel Lee (1903).pdf/136

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"How do birds of a feather flock?" said my friend Annabel Lee.

"Together," said I.

"What do fools do where angels fear to tread?" said my friend Annabel Lee.

"Rush in," said I.

"What does many a mickle make?" said my friend Annabel Lee.

"A muckle," said I.

"What will the pounds do if you take care of the pence?" said my friend Annabel Lee.

"Take care of themselves," said I.

"What do curses do, like chickens?" said my friend Annabel Lee.

"Come home to roost," said I.

"What is it that has no turning?" said my friend Annabel Lee.

"A long lane," said I.

"What does an ill wind blow?" said my friend Annabel Lee.

"Nobody good," said I.