Page:My Friend Annabel Lee (1903).pdf/25

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consider it—for one bland moment—they laugh gently and cease to have a best-loved, entirely; they cease to fill their veins with red, red life; they become like unto mice—mice with long slim tails.

"For one bland moment.

"And, too, the bland moment is long enough for them to feel restfully, deliciously, but unconsciously, thankful that there are these flat surfaces to things and that they can thus roll at times out upon them.

"They roll upon the flat surfaces much as a horse rolls upon the flat prairie where the wind is.

"And when for the first time they fall in love, if their belt is too tight there will come a bland moment when they will be aware that their belt is thus tight—and they will not be aware of much else.

"During that bland moment they will loosen their belt.