Page:My Further Disillusionment In Russia.djvu/11

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SOME years ago Emma Goldman was deported from this country and went to Russia to investigate personally what she believed to be the nearest approach to a Utopia which the world had yet produced.

Her experiences so thoroughly disillusioned her that she conceived it to be her duty to set forth these experiences and her conclusions, which she did in a book entitled "My Disillusionment in Russia." The rights in this material she sold to an American newspaper syndicate from whom we purchased the book rights, and by whom we were furnished with the copy for the book. We published the book under date of October 26, 1923, and not until it was in circulation did we learn that it was minus the last twelve chapters which had never been turned over to us by the newspaper syndicate, nor had any intimation been given us that the copy turned over to us was incomplete. While the conclusion of the book as we published it was abrupt it was not
