Page:My Religion.djvu/289

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Death, inevitable, 137, 138,

139. Death penalty, sanctioned by

the Church, 221. Debauchery, 77 et seq.; Paul s

idea of, 80; destructive of

happiness, 249; temptations

to, 251. Devotion, a pagan book of,

212. Divorce, denounced by Jesus,

78 et seq.; sanctioned by the

Church, 221. 8(|a, meaning of, 104. fyeipu, meaning of, 146. ehebruch, meaning of, 84. tlrf, meaning and textual au thenticity of, 75. Elijah, 48, 145. yXiKiav, meaning of, 137. Enemy, love for, 95 et seq.;

meaning of, 98. Epictetus, 89, 126, 127. Error, temptation of Jesus by,

178; the cohesive power of,


Esdras, 56. Evil, submission to, 8 et seq.,

13, 92-94; resistance to, 15;

destructive of happiness,

253; to speak, 28, 32. Existence, its futilities, 226. Faith, defined, 115, 162, 166,

244; and works, 160, 169;

based on the dictates of rea son, 170; source of, 171; the

false, 173.

Fall, dogma of the, 120, 153. Family, the, a condition of

happiness, 187.

Foreigners, hostility toward, 100; destructive of happi ness, 255.

Formalism, evils of, 68.

fornicatio, meaning of, 83.

Free-will, an illusion, 124.

French war of 1870, 198.

Galilee, 41, 44, 48, 49, 178.

Galileans, massacre of, 135.

Germans, 45, 259.

Ghengis Khan, 36.

God, service of, 21; appears to Elijah, 48; commandments of, 51; kingdom of, 108, 111, 160; how brought, 209.

Gospels, exegesis, 1, 55, 75.

Griesbach, 175.

Happiness, conditions of, 185- 189.

chayai olam, meaning of, 148.

Health, a condition of happi ness, 189.

Hebrews, 176.

Hegelianism, 122.

Herod, 25, 146.

High Priests, 25, 59.

Householder, parable of, 168.

hurerei. meaning of, 83.

Husbandmen, parable of, 139.

Immortality, belief in, 147, 150, 153, 155.

Irenaeus, 62.

Isaiah, 56, 61.

James, 167.

Jesus, as the " charmant doc- teur," 41 ; divinity of, 15; the enemies of, 60; his use of the Mosaic law, 67; com mandments of, 69, 76, 86, 194, 242, 246 et seq.; mission