Page:My Religion.djvu/291

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of, 112 ; debt to the past, 141 ; mutual . dependence, 207; temptations against, 246. nerdvoia, meaning of, 135, 141. Michael, Archbishop, 93. Military regulations, 19. HoixaffOat, meaning of, 83. Monasticism, contrary to the

doctrine of Jesus, 176. Monogamy the natural law of

humanity, 250. Moscow, 183. Mount, the Sermon on the, 5,

6, 10, 11, 17, 26, 78, 79, 108. Miiller, Max, 148. Nationality, renunciation of,


Nature, the law of, 46; com munion with, essential to happiness, 185. Neighbor, meaning of, 97 e


Nicodemus, 60, 108, 125. v6fj.os, meaning of, 56. Oaths, the commandment a- gainst, 87 at seq. ; destruc tion of happiness, 252; evils of, 252. Origen, 102. Pascal, 134.

Paul, x., 30, 56, 80, 88, 115 ; his metaphysico-cabalistic doctrine, 219. Peace, the reign of, 108; how

violated, 109. Penalty, the death, 36. Pentateuch, 57, 148. Persons, respect of, 29. Pessimism, 122. Peter, 11, 145, 167, 168, 180.

Pharisees, 54, 59, 60, 85, 88,

143, 178. Philosophers, and the problem

of existence, 229. Pilate, 135, 175. iropveiq, meaning of, 83 et seq.

Poverty, the blessings of, 199; indispensable to the follower of Jesus, 200. prissaiaga, meaning of, 85.

Prophets, the Hebrew, 43, 57, 143.

qum, meaning of, 146.

raca, meaning of, 73, 76.

Reason, authority of, 124.

Redemption, dogma of, 120, 122, 153.

Religions, requirements of, 220.

Renan, 31, 93.

Repentance, 60; necessity of, 135.

Resurrection, not taught by Jesus, 143.

resusciter, meaning of, 146.

Reuss, 79.

Revolution, the French, 36.

Revolutionists, atheistic, 39; Christian, 39.

Riches, the struggle for, 184.

Righteousness, progress to ward, 48.

Sadducees, 60, 143.

Samaritan, 98.

Sanhedrim, 25.

Schopenhauer, 148.

Science, hostile to the Church, 223.

Security, struggle for, its futil ity, 198.

Seneca, 89.