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To catch them lurking in their nest,
The Highland lads we will distress,
And hough them down at Crumdel, &c

So they were in bed. Sir, every one,
When the English army on them came,
And a bloody battle soon began,
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel, Sing, &c.

The English horse they were so rude,
They bath'd their hooves in Highland blood,
Our noble clans most firmly stood,
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel. Sing, &c.

But our noble clans they could not stay,
Out o'er the hill's they ran away;
And sore they do lament the day,
That e'er they came to Crumdel Sing, &c.

Says great Montrose I must not stay,
For o'er the hills I'll go this day,
So direct to me the nearest way.
And see the Haughs of Crumdel, Sing, &c.

Alas my Lord you are not strong,
You've scarcely got two thousand men,
There's twenty thousand on the plain,
Lies rank and file at Crumdel, Sing, &c:

Says great Montrose I will not stay,
So direct to me the nearest way,