Page:My ain dear Jean.pdf/6

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The Royal Stewarts and Monroes,
So boldly as they fac'd their foes,
And brought them down with handy blows,
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel, Sing &c.

Out of twenty thousand Englishman,
Five hundred fled to Aberdeen,
The rest of them they were all slain,
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel, Sing, &c

Jack's disaster.

Come all you roaring boys, that delight in roaring noise.
I compare it to nothing but laughter,
When a sailor comes on shore, with his gold & silver store,
there's no one can get rid of it faster.

The first thing Jack craves, is a chamber fine and clean,
with good liquor of every sort,
With a pretty girl likewise with her black and rolling eyes,
then Jack Par he is pleas'd to the heart.

And so the game goes on, till his his money spent and gone,
then his landlady begins for to frown,
With her nasty leering eye, and her rose turn all awry,
crying, Sailor, it is high time to begone.