Page:My father as I recall him (IA cu31924013473610).djvu/125

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Last words spoken in public.—A railroad accident in 1865.—At home after his American visit.—"Improvements" at "Gad's Hill."—At "Gad's Hill" once more.—The closing days of his life.—Burial at Westminster.

My father gave his last reading in St. James' Hall, London, on the fifteenth of March. The programme included "The Christmas Carol" and the "Trial" from "Pickwick." The hall was packed by an enormous audience, and he was greeted with all the warmth which the personal affection felt for the reader inspired. We all felt very anxious for him, fearing that the excitement and emotion which must attend upon his public farewell would have a bad effect upon him. But it had no immediate result, at any rate, much to our relief.

I do not think that my father ever—and this is saying a great deal—looked hand-