Page:My people stories of the peasantry of West Wales.djvu/240

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“Why speak you so foolish?” said Abram. “Where am I to put the straw and the fowls? Little, blockhead bach, is your understanding! But I will not deal harshly with you. You two can live in Old Nanni’s cottage. Very happy you’ll be there. There's no rent to pay, and you, Silas, can mind my sheep on the moor.”

“Man, man,” cried Silas, “why should I leave Penlon? Did not my father give it to me?”

“Silas, indeed to goodness,” said Abram, “for sure you are possessed. Religious Big Man, give you now me strength—the strength you gave the little Apostles—to cast out the Evil Spirit from old Silas.”

He took in his hand his new carriage whip, and held it as he used to the thresher, and he brought the thong down upon Silas’s back, and belly, and arms, and face.

Nansi made weepful sounds. She