Page:My people stories of the peasantry of West Wales.djvu/71

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“Simon Penrhos, you and your wench go home.”

“William Shinkins, he knows that Sara Jane is full. I’ll inform against him. The law of the Sessions I’ll put on him. Indeed I will.”

“Am I not making Sara Jane mistress of Shop General? Solemn me, serious it is to wed a woman with child!”

“There’s hard he is, Shinkins. Take two over ten sovereigns and a little parcel of potatoes, and a few white cabbages, and many carrots.”

“Is that your best offer, Simon?”

“It’s all we have, little man. We’re poor.”

“Go with the wench. Costly the old fly is for me.”

Simon seized Mishtir Jenkins’ coat.

“William Shinkins bach,” he cried, “don’t he let his anger get the better of his goodness. Are we not poor? Accept he our daughter——