Page:Mycenaean Troy.djvu/39

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the virgin rock; its walls and houses were built of clay and rubble stones. The second was thought by Schliemann to be the Ilios of Priam. Its circuit wall and buildings were constructed of brick, with stone foundations. A palace was discovered corresponding somewhat in general arrangement to the palaces of Tiryns and Mycenae. The pottery, often grotesque, was monochrome. On some of the gold ornaments

Fig. 6 - Paved Ramp at Gate FM (II Stratum)

Fig. 6.Paved Ramp at Gate FM (II Stratum)

unearthed were rosettes and spirals similar in pattern to what we designate to-day the gold work of the oldest stage of Mycenaean civilization. The citadel, as shown by the discovery in 1890 of three citadel walls, had been twice extended. A conflagration had destroyed the town. This must be, Schliemann thought, the Homeric Troy. In perfect assurance he applied to every object found an appropriate name. The gold ornament, with its countless tassels, became part of