Page:Mycenaean Troy.djvu/50

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Such differences in the style of stone work are recognized in fig. 9 and fig. 10. In the former we see a projecting angle of the building VI M, and observe how well-wrought and how closely fitted are the stones at the corner, while in the lower part of the

Fig. 9 - Retaining Wall of VI M

Fig. 9.Retaining Wall of VI M

wall the blocks become more irregular and the interstices are filled with rubble. In the latter figure there is seen a portion of the Tower VI h projecting from the East Citadel Wall. It will be noted that the city wall (c) shows on its scarped surface irregular stones, in contrast to which the blocks of the tower wall appear well-wrought and with such regular interstices that they remind us of the fine Hellenic isodomous masonry.

9. Building Material.[1]Originally a brick upper wall, later replaced by stone, was built upon the solid

  1. Dörpfeld, Troja und llion, p. 111.