Page:Mycenaean Troy.djvu/54

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weaker construction than the others, yet it forms a strong defense. Its perpendicular superstructure is completely destroyed, while exposure to the air has caused such injury to the outside of the lower wall that we can scarcely distinguish a ressault, or advancing angle. Its scarp is about 0.40 m. to every meter in height. We note in fig. 11 two essentially

Fig. 11 - West Wall

Fig. 11.West Wall
Well-dressed blocks are shown at a, and irregular stones at b.

different portions of the West Wall. On the left (a) the stones are well-dressed and quadrangular, while on the right the masonry shows irregular blocks filled in with rubble. There can be little doubt that the ruder masonry is the older, while the more advanced style of building is a later restoration, probably contemporaneous with the building of VI A, since the repairing of the wall extends from the Gate VI U to the northwest corner of this structure.