Page:Mycenaean Troy.djvu/60

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of which nothing remains. The opening (a b in fig. 14) is about 1.80 m. broad. The cross wall is only 1.20 m. thick, and is so loosely connected with both side walls as to form a striking contrast to the solid masonry of the fortress. A ramp ran from the gateway to the interior of the city, for at v two steps are found leading to the terrace of the buildings VI E and VI Q. At the right and left is free access to

Fig. 14 - Ground Plan of East Gate

Fig. 14.Ground Plan of East Gate

the space between the circuit wall and the wall of the first terrace.

17. The South Gate.[1]The great South Gate VI T was probably the principal gate of our city, for it is broader than the East Gate, and lies in the same direction as did the chief entrance (F O) to the II City. Likewise, even in Roman times, the propylaeum of the Athena Precinct was on the south. Here VI T

  1. Dörpfeld, Troja und Ilion, pp. 131–133.