Page:Mycenaean Troy.djvu/63

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belonging to the VII Stratum and evidently intended to guard the corners, stand at the front angles (g l) of the gate.

18. The West Gate.[1]We can note something of the form of the West Gate VI U in fig. 17, although

Fig. 17 - Ground Plan of West Gate

Fig. 17.Ground Plan of West Gate

it has suffered great destruction and later buildings have been erected upon it. The South Citadel Wall (h g f) ends abruptly at e f, while the West Citadel Wall (a b c) terminates with equal abruptness at c d. The ends of these two walls form a gateway 4 m. wide. No tower projecting from the wall (b c) flanks the passage, as at the Gate VI T, although it is possible

that such once existed and was later destroyed

  1. Dörpfeld, Troja und Ilion, pp. 135–139.