Page:Mycenaean Troy.djvu/72

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Mycenaean Citadel was finally buried under masses of débris and the mighty walls of the Athena Precinct of the Roman Ilion.

The Inner Citadel

22. VI A.[1]The first buildings excavated lay on the

Fig. 22 - Ground Plan of VI A

Fig. 22.Ground Plan of VI A

western side of the city. It was in the year 1890 that the west half of the building VI A was unearthed, close to the citadel wall, and in 1893 it was completely laid bare. Figure 23 shows its west wall (b) lying beside the city wall (a). The foundations, which are in a fairly good state of preservation, give its ground plan as seen in fig. 22. The hall is 11.55 m. in length and 9.10 m. in breadth. Before this lies the antechamber of the same breadth and 4.26 m. deep. No

  1. Dörpteld, Troja und Ilion, pp. 151–153. Cf. Dörpfeld, Troja, 1893, pp. 15–20; Schliemann's Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Troja im Jahre 1890.