Page:Mycenaean Troy.djvu/79

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The wall on the north of the steps (m l) may belong to another building designated VI N, but as to its form and position we have no indication.

Both on the west and east of VI M a ramp led to the inner part of the citadel. The buildings of the VII Stratum are built over the western ramp which is still to be recognized in the layer of small stones and earth out of which it was constructed. The east

Fig. 26 - Ramp of Mycenaean Troy above the Wall of the V City

Fig. 26.Ramp of Mycenaean Troy above the Wall of the V City

ramp was partially destroyed by the great north trench dug by Schliemann in 1872,[1] and its eastern portion alone remains. Under the later masonry of the VII and IX Strata, a little to the west of the bit of wall VI L (seen in the square 7 E in the Plan of the Citadel), is a limestone pavement. The course of this road, designated b in fig. 26, lies above the wall (a) of the V Stratum. The circular piece of wall, VI L, belongs to our city, and may mark the place where

  1. Cf. Schliemann, Ilios, p. 24.