Page:Myths and Legends of British North America.djvu/179

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Raven said, "You can depend upon me for the Silver Salmon."

Fish Hawk said, "I will capture the Salmon Trout and Olachen." Fish Hawk was undertaking a good deal, but the olachen and salmon trout were not so large, nor so warlike as the Salmon People.

Cloud said, "I will capture the Spring Salmon."

But Cormorant said, after everyone else had spoken, "Well, I'm only a passenger. I'll take whatever I can get."

Mink answered, "I won't tell what I am going to take! Now start! The Salmon People cannot see you, just as we cannot see ghosts."

At once they went on the warpath. They each seized a boy and a girl of the various Salmon tribes, and the Salmon People could not see them at all. They only saw that their children were fainting, as though their ghosts had gone away.

Then the bird and animal warriors went back to the canoe with their slaves. They were about to start home, when someone said, "Let us go and see what is beyond this country of the Salmon People."

The canoe at once went on, and they came to the Berry Country. One of the birds went ashore and picked up a great many of the Berry People and put them in the canoe. Then they returned home. For