Page:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu/479

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Chimalmat. Wife of Vukub-Cakix; in a Kiche myth, 211-213

Chimalpahin. Mexicanchronicler, 42

Chimu. The plain of; ruined city on, 271; the palace, 271-272; the ruins display an advanced civilisation, 272-273

Chinchero. Inca ruins at, 269

Chipi-Cakulha (Lightning-flash). A sub-god of Hurakan, 237

Choima (Beautiful Water). One of the first women of the Popol Vuh myth, 230

Cholula. Sacred city inhabited by Acolhuans, 47, 48; the pottery of, 23

Chontals. Aboriginal Mexican race, 23

Choque Suso. Maiden; the myth of Paricaca and, 327

Chulpas. Megalithic mummy tombs of Peru, 263

Churoquella. a name of the Peruvian thunder-god, 299

"Citadel," The, at Teotihuacan, 33

Citallatonac. Mexican deity; in a flood-myth, 123

Citallinicue. Mexican deity; in a flood-myth, 123

Citatli (Moon). A form of the Mexican moon-goddess, 106

Citlalpol (The Great Star). Mexican name of the planet Venus, 96

Citoc Raymi (Gradually Increasing Sun). Peruvian festival, 312-313

Ciuapipiltin (Honoured Women). Spirits of women who had died in childbed, 108, 138

Civilisation. I. Of Mexico, 1-53; indigenous origin of, I; type of, 9. II. Of Peru, 248-290; indigenous origin of, 1,259; inferior to the Mexican and Mayan, 248. III. Of the Andeans, 249

Clavigero, The Abbé. His work on Mexican lore, 57-58

"Cliff-dwellers." Mexican race related to the Nahua, 24, 25

Cliff Palace Cañon, Colorado, 229

Coaapan. Place in Mexico, 65

Coatepec. I. Mexican province, 62, 63. II. Mountain, 70

Coati. An island on Lake Titicaca; ruined temple on, 270-271

Coatlantona (Robe of Serpents). A name of Coatlicue, Huitzilopochtli's mother, 73

Coatlicue. Mother of Huitzilopochtli, 70-71; as Coatlantona, 73

Cocamama. Guardian spirit of the coca-shrub in Peru 295

Cochtan. Place in Mexico, 65

Cocochallo. An irrigation channel; in a myth of Paricaca, 327

Cocomes. A tribe inhabiting Mayapan; overthrow Chichen-Itza, 153; their tyranny and sway, 154-155; conquered by allies, 156; remnant found Zotuta, 156

Codex Perezianus. Maya manuscript, 160

Cogolludo, D. Lopez. And the story of Canek, 189

Coh, Prince. In the story of Queen Móo, 240, 244, 246

Cohuatzincatl (He who has Grandparents). A pulque-god,

Colcampata, The, at Cuzco. The palace on, 269

Colhuacan. I. Mexican city,20, 26, 233. II. King of; father of the sacrificed princess, 124

Colla-suyu. One of the four racial divisions of ancient Peru, 255

Con. Thunder-god of Collao of Peru, 78, 299

Confession among the Mexicans, 106, 108; Tlazolteotl the goddess of, 106; accounts of the ceremony, 106-110