Page:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu/498

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leaders, 91-92; Xolotl has affinities with, 95; God A thought to resemble, 174

Xiuhteculti (Lord of the Year). A name of the Mexican fire-god, 95

Xiumalpilli. In Mexican calendar, 40

Xiyan Caan. City in Yucatan, 153

Xmucane (Female Vigour). The mother-god in the Kiche story of the creation in the Popol Vuh, 209; in the Vukub-Cakix myth, 212-213; in the myth in the second book of the Popol Vuh, 220—225; equivalent to the Mexican Omeciuatl, 236

Xochicalco (The Hill of Flowers). A teocalli near Tezcuco, 33-34

Xochimilcos. Aztec tribe, 233

Xochipilli. A name of Macuilxochitl, which see

Xochitla. A flower-garden near Tollan; the legend of Tezcatlipoca and, 63

Xochitonal. Monster in the Mexican Other-world, 38

Xochiyayotl (The War of Flowers). Campaign for the capture of victims for sacrifice, 98-99, 100

Xolotl. I. King of the Chichimecs, 20; Teotihuacan rebuilt by, 33. II. A sun-god, 93-94; of southern origin and foreign to Mexico, 93; probably identical with Nanahuatl, 93; representative of human sacrifice, 93; has affinities with Xipe, 93; representations of, 94

Xpiyacoc. The father god in the Popol Vuh story of the creation, 209; in the Vukub-Cakix myth, 212-213; in the myth in the second book of the Popol Vuh, 220; equivalent to the Mexican Ometecutli, 236

Xquiq (Blood). A princess of Xibalba, daughter of Cuchumaquiq; in Popol Vuh myth, 222

Xulu. A sorcerer mentioned in Popol Vuh myth, 227


Yacatecutli. Tutelar god of travellers of the merchant class in Mexico, 114; the Maya Ekchuah probably parallel with, 177

Yahuarhuaccac. Seventh Inca, 283

Yahuar-pampa (Plain of Blood). Battle of, 285

Yamquisupa. Village; Thonapa and, 319

Yanacaca. Rock; in a myth of Paricaca, 327

Yaotzin (The Enemy). A manifestation of Tezcatlipoca, 66

Yatiri (The Ruler). Aymara name of Pachacamac in his form of Pachayachachic; Huaina Ccapac and, 299

Year. The Mexican, 39, 40

Yetl. God of natives of British Columbia, 12; probably cognate with Quetzalcoatl, 12, 83

Yma Sumac (How Beautiful). Daughter of Curi-Coyllur; in the drama Apu-Ollanta, 252-253

Yoalli Ehecatl (The Night Wind). A manifestation of Tezcatlipoca, 66

Yohualticitl. A name of Metztli, which see

Yolcuat. Form of Quetzalcoatl, 84

Yopi. Indian tribe; Xipe adopted from, 92

Yucatan. Settlement of the Maya in, 151-152; architectural remains in, 178

Yucay. Inca ruins at, 269

Yum Kaax (Lord of the Harvest Fields). Maya deity; God E probably identical with, 174

Yunca. Name given to the tropical and lowland districts of Peru, 255