Page:Nêne (1922).djvu/15

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The other, once started, ran on.

"This morning, I've been digging since dawn. I wasn't playing at it, either—though the soil was easy. I've spaded the whole patch and spaded it deep. There won't be much weeding needed, after me."

Corbier nodded approval and the big fellow continued:

"It was like this. Madeleine came out to where I was in the garden patch and said, 'You come and help me,' so I carried her bundles for her and took her along the road within sight of the Moulinettes. Then I came back by the short cut, because I don't like folks to see me on the highways on working days."

"Right!" said Corbier.

"It was just to please her that I went along with her. Madeleine didn't really need me to help her. I don't want to boast about her, Corbier, but speaking of a woman's strength, there aren't many stronger than her in these parts. Now I'm off.—You've got a fine piece of land there!—Good-bye!"

As the man disappeared, Corbier righted his plough and started on a new furrow. But he was unable to keep his thoughts on his animals and his work. Instead, they now strayed toward things disturbing and sad. This meeting had stirred him as his plough stirred the soil. A mist settled over his heart, a heavy mist through which the sun did not