Page:NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods - Chapter D.pdf/16

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bubble meter. The calibration of the personal sampling pump should be done close to the same altitude where the sample will be taken.

(2) Assemble the pre-weighed filter in the two-piece cassette filter holder. Support the filter with a cellulose backup pad or stainless steel screen. Close firmly to prevent sample leakage around the filter. Seal the filter holder with plastic tape or a shrinkable cellulose band.

(3) Remove the cyclone's grit cap and vortex finder before use and inspect the cyclone interior. If the inside is visibly scored, discard this cyclone since the dust separation characteristics of the cyclone might be altered. Clean the interior of the cyclone to prevent reentrainment of large particles.

(4) Assemble the two-piece filter holder, coupler, cyclone and sampling head. The sampling head rigidly holds together the cyclone and filter holder. Check and adjust the alignment of the filter holder and cyclone in the sampling head to prevent leakage. Connect the outlet of the sampling head to the personal sampling pump by a 1-m piece of 6-mm ID flexible tubing.

(5) Clip the cyclone assembly to the worker's lapel and the personal sampling pump to the belt. Ensure that the cyclone hangs vertically. Explain to the worker why the cyclone must not be inverted.

(6) Prepare the field blanks at about the same time as sampling is begun. These field blanks should consist of unused filters and filter holders from the same lot used for sample collection. Handle and ship the field blanks exactly as the samples, but do not draw air through the field blanks. Two field blanks are required for each 10 samples with a maximum of 10 field blanks per sample set.

(7) Turn on the pump and begin sample collection. If necessary, reset the flow rate to the pre-calibrated value, using the manufacturer's adjustment procedures. Since it is possible for a filter to become plugged by heavy particulate loading or by the presence of oil mists or other liquids in the air, observe the filter and personal sampling pump frequently to keep the flow rate within ± 5% of the target flow rate. The sampling should be terminated at the first evidence of a problem.

(8) Disconnect the filter after sampling. Cap the inlet and outlet of the filter holder with plugs. Label the sample. Record pertinent sampling data including times of beginning and end of sampling, initial and final air temperatures and atmospheric pressure or elevation above sea level. Record the type of personal sampling pump, filter, cyclone used and the location of the sampler.

(9) Ship the samples and field blanks to the laboratory in a suitable container designed to prevent damage in transit. Ship bulk samples in a separate package.

(10) Take two to four replicate samples for every set of field samples to assure quality of

NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods