Page:Nalkowska - Kobiety (Women).djvu/326

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"Take thou my blood, take all that is my being:
Give me my memories, my sleep of yore!—
I had a dream that froze my founts of gladness—
I had a dream, … dim ghosts with muffled sobs!

"Dreams are but dreams!—Seest thou the sun's red circle;
Huge, tinged with gore o' the early dawn?—Thy lips,—
Oh, how I love them—they are crimson roses,
Roses of kingly purple, … and are mine!

"Broken my wings are : at thy feet I lay them
(Soaring aloft i' the airy void, they broke):
Oh, how I love thee ! Thou'rt a golden garland
Glinting resplendent in my silky hair!"

The recitation over, she waved us a salute, and a gold bracelet flashed above the elbow of her bare arm. Then she sank on to the nearest sofa, covered with carpeting of a rich pattern. She received no thanks, nor did she expect any. There she lay, her hands clasped beneath her head, and the black diamonds of her eyes gazing steadfastly up to the ceiling.

"Oh, what heavenly bliss I am beginning to feel now!" was the thought that flashed upon me all at once.

Yes, the narcotic was acting already. Everything in me that was evil, or pained, or imperfect, had vanished away. I was filled