Page:Nalkowska - Kobiety (Women).djvu/78

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all. … I cannot … Even should I be forced to break it all off, I will have nothing to blush for."

I look at her attentively, not without surprise: till now, I had not known her to be of this stamp.

"As for me," I suddenly burst out, "as for me,—if the man who ruined my life, and took his leave without even a smile or a kind word of farewell, were only to beckon me to him to-day, I would at once follow him like a lamb!"

Then, in the rough, free and easy way of comrades at work, I bid her good-bye with a hand-shake, and walk swiftly away from her door, depressed and uncomfortable; humbled, in a word.

And now, I am in a most vile humour. She has shown herself far more clear-headed than I have. By means of a few commonplaces, she has forced from me an avowal that I never would have made, no, not even to Martha herself! … A pose,—in part at least,—that prodigious self-respect of hers. All the same, she is sacrificing her love to it.

Strange creatures they are! Take Martha's case: purity! why, she was raving about it.