Page:Nalkowska - Kobiety (Women).djvu/82

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"There is no help for that. In every sphere of life we meet with individuals who have happy thoughts, and with crowds who imitate them. No one orders them to imitate: they do so willingly, driven by the force of other people's opinions, because they neither think nor act for themselves. Besides, is the following of fashion necessarily a spirit of imitation? It is very often, as it were, something infectious in the air we breathe. Short sleeves succeed to long ones, sleeves puffed about the wrists, to sleeves puffed at the shoulders: just as Idealism comes after Realism, and as Mysticism reigns where Positivism reigned once."

"Tut, tut, tut," says the Professor, "there is some difference between literature and dress."

"Oh, surely. … Now, every general trend should allow particular tendencies to come into play, and it is just in these that individuality is manifested. And that's why I simply cannot bear male attire, with its never-changing stiffness and lifelessness of form."

"Ah, but do you not see that this fixed standard is the 'great leveller of classes,' which annihilates inequalities in social standing? Attired as I am, there is no difference