Page:Narrative of William W. Brown, a fugitive slave.djvu/130

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1845, contains an advertisement, one item of which is as follows:—

"Also, at the same time and place, the following negro slaves, to wit: Charles, Peggy, Antonnett, Davy, September, Maria, Jenny, and Isaac—levied on as the property of Henry T. Hall, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fia. issued out of Mcintosh Superior Court, in favor of the board of directors of the Theological Seminary of the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia, vs. said Henry T. Hall. Conditions, cash.

"C. O'Neal, Deputy Sheriff, m. c."

In the "Macon (Georgia) Telegraph," May 28, is the following:

"About the first of March last, the negro man Ransom left me, without the least provocation whatever. I will give a reward of $20 dollars for said negro, if taken dead or alive,—and if killed in any attempt an advance of $ 5 will be paid.

"Bryant Johnson.

"Crawford Co., Ga."

From the Apalachicola Gazette, May 9.

"One Hundred and Fifty Dollars Reward.— Ranaway from my plantation on the 6th inst., three negro men, all of dark complexion.

"Bill is about five feet four inches high, aged about twenty-six, a scar on his upper lip, also one on his shoulder, and has been badly cut on his arm; speaks quick and broken, and a venomous look.

"Daniel is about the same height, chunky and well set, broad, flat mouth, with a pleasing countenance, rather inclined to show his teeth when talking, no particular marks recollected, aged about twenty-three.

"Noah is about six feet three or four inches high, twenty-eight years old, with rather a down, impudent look, insolent in his discourse, with a large mark on his breast, a good many