Page:Narrative of William W. Brown, a fugitive slave.djvu/41

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as prayer was over. I was taken and severely chastised.

My master's family consisted of himself, his wife, and their nephew. William Moore. He was taken into the family when only a few weeks of age. His name being that of my own. mine was changed for the purpose of giving precedence to his. though I was his senior by ten or twelve years. The plantation being four miles from the city. I had to drive the family to church. I always dreaded the approach of the Sabbath; for, during service, I was obliged to stand by the horses in the hot, broiling sun, or in the rain, just as it happened.

One Sabbath; as we were driving past the house of D. D. Page, a gentleman who owned a large baking establishment, as I was sitting upon the box of the carriage, which was very much elevated, I saw Mr. Page pursuing a slave around the yard with a long whip, cutting him at every jump. The man soon escaped from the yard, and was followed by Mr. Page. They came running past us, and the slave, perceiving that he would be overtaken, stopped suddenly, and Page stumbled over him, and falling on the stone pavement, fractured one of his legs, which crippled him for life. The