Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/129

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lOS s?avzv 'o? ?HZ ?S?. Tre?s, is a ?y fo?sd by vs? low' s?y ?. ?. ?, sligh?y ? ?th ? st?t? vege?on. The ?d w? now ?favo?ble for ?r ?p- prong ?e l?d, ?nd ?er st?ding o?.to ?, ? ?m ?rds ?s sho?, we ?cho? in ? fa?o? ? ?d. A.t this anchora? we fo?d a st? ?ea?r d?- ?ren? in ?e tides ? w? ex?en?d ?e ?ght pr?ing; the fl? set S.E.b.E. ?d E.S.E..; and ?e ebb ?om N.N.E. round ? W.N.W.; ?e rise ? sixteen f?t ?d a it wo? ap?r probable ?t.?ere m?t be ?me r?son for so ?t ? in,aught ? ?r ?to the bight ?tw?n Cape V?et ?d Po?t �ea?e, which I ?ve n? R?bu& Bay, ?r ?e s?p ?at CapOn D?pier ?mm?d? when he'visit? ?s pa?' of the ?t. As the ?nd now blew ?nst?y S.W., or ?om some sou?em ?r?on, ? ?us? ?r p?e? ? be ve? slow ?d ?o?; ? ?e shore for so? ?s? ? ?e sou?w? ? Ca? ?u?e-Trevi?e by ?e Fren&, I resolve' upon l?g ?e ?t. ?r wa?r was ?so ne?ly expendS, and o? provision, gene?y, were in a ve? bad s?'; ?sid? which, ?e w?t of a s?d ?or so much felt, ?at we dar? not ventu? ? ?y di?c?ty w?re ?e ap?? of ?e pl?e