Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/172

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6?owth ? ?bit; ?ey we? at ? fio? ? ? ?e ey? ?d senses ? ?m?n ?or a moment ?? ? ?i8 h? valley, t?t w?st I �er? a quantity of ?e seeds of this truly ?ch ?t, my ?rv?t was obli? a ?er air on ?e ri?e, WMch we had ?in n?ly re?; a? bu? for ?s ?e p?nt, ?d �e no less ?nspiCuous blue-fiowe? -?, Br. ?e whole s?ne would have d?ply ?p?s? ? wi? ? ?e ho?ors ?at such ex- ? of ?dity am ?tu?y c?at? to ex?te. "U?n ?ain re?hing ?e ridge, whose m?e. m? tzm?mt? requi? o? care ? avoid s?- ?$ ? ?e s?den ?i?n, we ?e ? ?e ?i?, oh wh?e bare su?e I found a p?- t?e s?c?en of b?c?, remarkable for ?e re- ?!?ty ? i? decussate leaves, which I have desi? ? my list as & ?cola. Gon?nuing ? ?e e?m?ty of the ridge, I was mu? sur- ? ? ?d we ? ?m?y at?ned the highest ?t ? ?e ?e, ?d ? ?serve ano?er 'ex- ?e, or ex?ive ?vity, of barn w?te sand ?1ow us, ? ?e S.E., ?e te?na?n of we a?a?s f?d to be ?he B? Head, of ? V?er. ?is pa? is of remarkable ap?? ?m ?w?, having on eider side