Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/175

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.lsee. this ?ion he was more ?ate, ? he f? J,n. s. it in the g?test profusion in ?e ?cinlty of �e stm? ?at empties itself over ?e be? of �e outer bay where we wa?r?. Of ?s' he says--" ?e p? of ?e? w?k s?te, ?d none in any s? of ?- 'fication: ?e a?ddh, or pi?he?, which are se? on strong f?t.s?ks, and in?ix? about the r?t with the leaves, ? c? '? a qu?fity ' ' of ?s?l?r? water, and, in some, ?e dm? ? of an? ?d o?er sm?l inst. ?e?er �is fluid c? ? ?sider? a plant, ? appe? reply ? be ?e f? wi? re?- �en? ? the n?th?, or pi?er?pl?t ?India*, de?sit? by it through pi?ers; or even a s?r?i? of ?e a? th?- selv?; or, whaler it is not s?ply ?n.w?r l?d in ?e m?rvoin, w?ch the pl?t might derive sup?n in of pmtmct? drought, when ?e m?hy ?ds (in which ?is veg?ble is ?one ? be f?) are pani?y dri? of ?e moisture, ?at is in- dispensable mim existent, may perhaps presum? by the foUow?g observa?ons. ?la, shap? like some sp?ies of oys?r, or aeSop.shes, I found in some pi?hem m be ve? dosely shut upon ?eir orifice, ?o?h ?eir