Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/179

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CHAPTER IV. Laavs King Oeorge the Thlrd's Sound, and c?nmen? the sin, re! of the We?t coast at Rottneet Island.?--Anotber ramarkabln effect of midge :--Anchor under, and land upon Rottnest Island: mBreak an anchor :--Examine the coast to the northward:? Cape Le?cbenault :--Lancelin Islond :--Jutten Bay.,--Hontman's Abrolhos :--Moresby's Flat-topped Range :--Red Point:--An- chor in Dirk Hartog's Road, at the entrance of Shark's Bay :- Occurrences there :--Ex?mlnation of the coast to the North West Cape :--Barrow Island.'---Heavy gale off the Montebello Isles .,--Rowlefs Shoals .,--Cape Lev?que :--Dangerous sitration of the brig among the islands of Buccaneer's Archipelago.,--- Examination and description of Cygnet Bay :--Lo?e an anchor, and leave the coast:--Adele Island.---Retnm to Port J?ck- eon o W?. sailed from King (?eorge's Sound on the 6th, but from south-westerly winds, were no further advanced by the 8th than the meridian of Cape Chatham. After which, entering a cur- rent setting at One mile an hour to the west- ward, the brig made considerable progrels. At daylight, 10th, Cape Leeuwin came in sight from the mast-head, and, at eight o'clock, was seen from the deck at the distance 'of ten leagues,. bearing N. 42 �by compass. At this, the south-westemmost extremity of New Holland, Captain Flinders commenced his