Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/365

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?0 APPENDIX. d;. ward from it'fOr eight nfiles:'its'westem slde?s formed by �ect;IV, the Coronation Islands: its width is three miles, with good ?. Wt?t anchorage all over it.' At -the bottom is CAstzZwxso BAT, where the Mermaid was repaired. The'latitude of the beach in 15 �18", and longitude 125� 4if'*. Port Nelson communicates with the sea' to'the westwar8 of the Coronation Islands, which may be' 'conSidered a strait. At the 8onth-west end of 'the southernmost island, where the si?tit is narrowest, and not more than one mile and a quarter � The latitude of, the observatory' was taken ever? day daring our stay, usin? the sea-horlzon,'but the' effect of refraction was so ?at that the daily observations varied as much as ? 4?. The mean of 15 meridlonal altitudes with the sextant made the latitude . 15? 6' ?'.? aml o? fourteen ob?ervatiom with the circle ]5 6 15.8 Mean for the latisude of the observatory 15 6 18South. The ]ong?tode* was deduced' b?' t?e mean of the observations of our two visits; 9is., in O?erl 18?0, and August, 18?1: the latter were taken at Sight Point, in Prince Re?ent's River, the difference o? the meridiam of the two place?, by chronometers and survey, being 8' 5?'.8 . � 18?0. Sept. ? and ?9. By twenty ?et? of lunar dis- ta?ces with the sun? cooraining one hundred Rights ?ith the sextant, the sun being to the east of the moon, the longitude is . . '1821. August ?nd and 3rd. By seventeen sets of lunar distances with the sun, containin? eighty- tlve sights ?ith the sextant, the sun being to the 'w?t of the moon, the longitude of S?ht Point, -in Prince ]?gent*s River,-was found to be !?4' 41' 1?".?, or of Careening Bay . .1? ?0 ?.1 ' �?ne mean is the longitude of the observatory