Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/413

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?88 APPENDIX-'/ A. O?tou?,: the westernmost islet is in 17 � and 151 � .fket. VIL (149 �East of Paris), and appeared to terminate the ,,?.. group. As it was near sunset, the vestaels hauled to the ,r,. t?oa?t. wind for the night, and at daylight bore up on a north eourae: soon afterwards they saw an islet W.N.W.; they, however, continued to steer North until eight o'clock? and then, having run nine n?es, saw another island N.N.E. On attempting to steer between the isles, they were found to be connected, and having sounded in eleven fathoms, the vessels bore up, and steered between the westernmost islet and two extensive reefs, through a passage five or six miles wide, that appeared. to be clear. The westernmost islet is in 17 � S., and h?O � (148 � East of Paris), and the westernmost reef, in 17 � S., and l?0 � E., (148 � F?st of Paris). A space of ten or twelve leagues between Governor Farquhar's Group and that seen the preceding day was passed in the night, and probably may contain other reefs. The last group WaS nanled TuF.6Ross?,'s lSLF, TS. North The ALXRT struck on a shoal to the westward of Torres' Cont. Strait in 1817; it seemed to be about two hundred fathoms in length, and about fifty yards broad: it is ia latitude 9 �, and longitude 140 �. In the vicinity of Cape Van Diemen there are many anb- marine coral banks, that are not yet shoal enough to be called reefs; that which Captain Flinders saw, and sounded upon in seven fathoms, lies in 9 �latitude, and 129 � longitude. The Alert also passed over a shoal patch with nine fathoms in l0 �$., and 129 �E. ?N. West SAHUL BANK is but very imperfectly known, and its Coast. extent by no msaos 8o large as is laid. down upon the chart. In that interval, however, there'are probabJ? many