Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/442

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Am.] N&TUaSl, resrosy. 41?' latitude? ?ad 'twent?-?ix de? of 1on?ud? 8ran ? ?en at B?vour River, on ?e ? is also no?er s? of ?is bird h S?iet?s co!l?on? ?t w?' ? in '?e n?gh?h? of P? J?n. ?o?on? Ho?y?, ?ha? iv. lSl? ?s b? is found u?n ?e w?h ?nt Co?L Tns next b? ? ?e collection h? ?n a?ed b? ?r? ? in ?e Linnean genus ?, but ?p? chm?d? by Linn?us, mu? less ? it mo&fl? by m?em o?olo?s?. ?e?er we consider? ?cor?g ? M. Cu? *, ?at ?e ? of ? is the ?ar?a ?, Lin% or, ?r?ng ? M. Tm?ck, ?at ?a ?e ? re?, ?.?, in w?ch f?l rather ?sposed to u?uiesce, my bi? ?a ?th th? ?up ? none of its essential ch?ca?. In fact? ?e Lin- ne? g?us ?l? ia ?at to which it ?s ?e clo?st r? sembi? ? i? ?n? ap?; p?ficul?ly mH? ?s?sifion of its colours, ?d in ?e s?ctu? of b? ?, ?,' aud le?. I Would at once ? it ? ?a? ?us? but ?at I'have some re,on ? ?k ?at it ?1on? ? m?iph? birds, which ? so abund?t in Hoil?d, ?d which have ?n o?erved ? ?me b? of that couu?, which have b?n deeded VoL. If, ? E