Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/498

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Zoo?av?rA.] NATURAL HUBTORY. 473 $1 St*oNm? MVmCXNX (?) ?m. H?s?. ?on. ?e?. M? ?i. t. ?. f. � ? SPONOIA PS?0LIATA, Lorn. Hist. ?. ?. No. 78. [CO?. ' ? SPosozA BASTA, P?. Z?pA. ?9. La?, H?d. H. ?1. No. ?. I?n.,. , Esp?. ii. t. 25. ? S?o?A ?cogs?s, Es??. ? Hist. ?, ?. No. 1?. Ic?.. Esp?. 5. p. ?. t. Icon. , - ?e or four o?er ?es of ?pon?a we? b?ght ?me, w?ch I have n? ?en able ? identif? ?th ?y ?ons, or ? ?y ?ures; but as this autos species from ?e collection of P6mn and Lesueur, ?ch have n? ?e? been fi?d, I have not consld?ed them'as new, until ?ve ?d an op?it? of exa?niug mo? ?ew HoUnd sp?ie? and of eee?g ? degfibed b? Lama?k,