Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/599

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574 APPENDIX. [C. by their linear and nearly hoi?ontel outlines; end er?ept in a few instances, as Mount Cockbum, Steep-Head, Mounts Trafalgar and Waterloo, (which look more ilke hills of fimtzo trap,) they have very much the aspe,c, t of the summits in the coal formation *. ?l'ne subjoined sketch of some of the islands off Admiralty C_mlf, 0ooking ?outhward from the north-east end of ? Island, about !at. 13 �, ?. long. 125 �) bas ?ome re- ?emblance to one of the views in P6ron's Atlas (pl. vi., fig. 7) :-- aud the ourse of the lies Forbin (pi. viii., 6?. 5, o? the ? of C? ?g's ?win?. The red colour of the cliffs on the north=west and west coasts, is also an appearance which is frequendy noticed on

  • C?ptain Kin?, however, has inf(mned me, that in oome of

these cases, the shape of the hill is really that of a reof? er bay- tick; the ramverse section being an,?,ular, and the horizontal top an *dg?.